I took this last night in Humboldt Park while playing kickball with friends. What a beautiful sky we've been having lately.
Humboldt Park Sunset
I took this last night in Humboldt Park while playing kickball with friends. What a beautiful sky we've been having lately.
Humboldt Park Sunset
This photo was taken on my iPhone and edited on my iPad in Snapseed (which is currently on sale for free in the App Store). It was shot from Olive Park just north of Navy Pier. Did you know Olive Park is named after Pfc. Milton L. Olive, III, the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War? According to Wikipedia: "At the age of 18, Olive sacrificed his life to save others by smothering a live grenade." Terrifying.
Taken from Jeff's porch.
August 15, 2011
A beautiful sunset overlooking the Illinois River in Seneca, Illinois.
July 3, 2011
On someone's back porch in Chicago there rests a gutted and lonely telephone pole. Nobody is calling home.
The low, setting sun really does create some spectacular light sometimes. Even my iPhone 4 can capture it wonderfully.