It's bonfire season.
Dog Portrait
April 7, 2012.
Isaac in a suit.
September 23, 2005.
Janine in Green
August 20, 2008.
Maren by The Lake
Brittiney's Hair
Brittiney, deep in comfortable, peaceful thought.
June 19, 2007.
Amber in a hotelroom.
July 2, 2008.
Alison in Chicago.
May 3, 2005.
The MPLS Henrys
The MPLS Henrys are a Chicago rock band named after Minneapolis. They're pretty awesome and lots of fun to photograph. You can also view these on Facebook.
Taken on December 17, 2011 outside The Burlington.
Dennis Rodman at McFadden's
Dennis Rodman at McFadden's in Chicago, IL on November 5, 2011.
Alison is beautiful when she smiles.
August 7, 2010.
Jorie and Cody's Homecoming
Grace in the Kitchen
Grace in the kitchen at Jhonatan's party. Look at those eyes.
August 14, 2010.
Joe at Night
Joe on Jhonatan's back porch in Wicker Park.
August 6, 2011
Tonya in the Sunlight
Tonya at Old Man's Cave in Hocking State Forest, Ohio
July 29, 2011
Dan with Glasses
Jonah Laughing
Jonah laughing with tears still fresh on his cheeks. Being a child must be exhilarating! One moment you're wailing and the next you're grinning with joy.
July 10, 2011
Montrose Beach with Alison
Alison and I had a picnic at Montrose Beach on a chilly Sunday evening. Despite being the middle of June, the cold wind coming off of Lake Michigan kept us from sticking around for too long. The sky was beautiful though.
June 12, 2011
Alison at the Morton Arboretum. Taken October 21, 2009. I love the out of focus foreground of pine between the lens and her. Just lovely.
Katie O.
Katie O. in my friend's backyard.