Nighttime in downtown Denver is quite serene. This was taken from a condo building looking into Denver's downtown. What a great city.
Dead Bear In Denver
Dead bears in Denver seem to be becoming a problem. Perhaps he just drank too much.
Soaked But Still Standing
My brother Bret tried to run through Seal Pond at the Voorhies Memorial, but he immediately slipped and fell in. This is the aftermath. At least it was nice out. (Denver, CO - September 18th, 2010)
My Baby in Denver
Mt. Bierstadt, CO Panorama
Wednesday morning we woke up at 5 AM to drive up into the mountains surrounding Denver to go on a six hour hike to scale Mount Bierstadt. It's been a long time since I've been up that early and I was expecting to be exhausted, but it wasn't that difficult. The climb took 4 hours and it was an incredible experience. I've never climbed a mountain before and so it was very exciting.
I brought my Canon 5D and my 50mm as well as cheap wide angle kit lens. I'll be posting those pictures in the future as a gallery, but in the mean time I wanted to share this panorama I made on the summit using Pano on my iPhone 4. It's quite cool and actually extends beyond a full 360 degree panorama.
A panoramic photograph from the top of Mount Bierstadt, taken with Pano for the iPhone 4.