black and white

Brittiney on the Rock

15 Splinters a blog

Another day, another photo of Brittiney. This one was taken was taken a super long time ago during a trip to the Morton Arboretum during a stormy, overcast day. It rained, there was wind, the world was wet and we explored all day long. The strange weather that day led to some cool photographs, this being my favorite. Maybe I'll share another one someday.

Spring, 2003. (I think.)

Alison's Necklace

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This nice, soft portrait was taken in 2005 for my Fashion class at Columbia College. I love the soft feeling of it, but there's not a whole lot that's going on to keep my interest. At least the necklace is in focus. I got that one right. There's something about the feeling of this photograph that reminds me of Robert Frank's, "Elevator - Miami Beach, 1955" from The Americans. Robert Frank is incredible. If you haven't check out his work, do it now!

Last edited: November 20, 2005.