
Christina's 40th Birthday Party!

Lula and Rupert in the bathroom - iMovie for iPhone 4

Doing some more testing of the capabilities of iMovie on the iPhone 4. This is the Modern Theme with the built in Theme Music. It's pretty nifty, but one major complaint is that it seems impossible to insert a title card in the introduction. You can only put text on top of video clips and that text stays there for the entire length of the clip. Despite this limitation, it's still pretty darn impressive how much you can do on this little app and I can only imagine where Apple will be taking it in the future. 

Oh and if you're reading this and have an iPhone 4, don't hesitate to purchase iMovie ($4.99) immediately. You can have a lot of fun with it.

Apple iPhone 4 Release Day in Chicago

You all know I'm a big geek and so it should be no surprise to learn that I waited overnight at the Michigan Ave. Apple Store in downtown Chicago with lots of other geeks in order to acquire the iPhone 4 before anyone else. 

I arrived at about 12:30 AM on the 24th and by the time I arrived, the line was already to Huron St. and St. Clair St. So that's where I set up my position. Everyone around me was very friendly and some kids next to me watched Avatar on their MacBook Pro. 

Watching Avatar on a 13" MacBook Pro

Waiting patiently for the iPhone 4.After getting settled in and discovering my newfound pigeon friend sleeping behind my chair in the corner next to his empty case of Corona, I decided to check out the rest of the line. I also shot a video of the whole line from the first position to where I was and I will post that in a separate blog post later, once the video has finished processing (darn my iMac from '06).

Mr. Pigeon sleeping in the corner behind me. Perhaps he's waiting for his iPhone 4 as well.Here's a couple pictures of the line on Huron St. and St. Clair. The first image is the line ahead of me. The second image is the line after me taken at about 3 AM I think.

Looking west at the iPhone 4 line on Huron St.

Looking south at the iPhone 4 line on St. Clair St.They split up the line into two lines at about 6 AM, one for the folks lucky enough to reserve an iPhone 4 and one for the unlucky. I finally managed to get in the store at 9:30 AM and was out by 9:45 AM. It was definitely a smooth process with no hang ups that I noticed. After an hour the iPhone 4 connected to AT&T's servers and I was all connected and ready to go. 

Within a few days I'll be posting more interesting goodies and thoughts from and about my brand new iPhone 4. For now I'll just say that it's the most impressive piece of technology I've ever had the pleasure of holding in my hands.

Austin SXSW - Part III - Day Two

The highlight of these images (and perhaps the whole day) was seeing The Woods at the French Ligation Museum, though I also had a great time getting up early and getting in line at the pop-up Third Man Records (Jack White's record label) and buying some exclusive vinyl including a limited edition tri-color pressing of Karen Elson's first single.

I saw some other bands play that night at a big festival thing, but unfortunately my camera wasn't able to get any good shots because I wasn't close enough to the stage. I have plenty of more fun pictures that were taken with my point and shoot camera, but those will be posted on my Facebook Page at a later date. So please add yourself as a friend there so you can be updated when they come online. 

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think!

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Austin SXSW - Part II - Day One

Part II of my images from Austin, TX are finally here. It was a beautiful day so we got to enjoy the spring weather as we explored Austin. We had brunch at the Eastside Cafe, which was really wonderful. You can see a couple shots of our food below. Afterwards, we just wandered around downtown and explored. We wound up at the French Ligation Museum (quite possibly my favorite venue in Austin to relax and listen to music) where we heard The XX. Unfortunately, we were pretty far back in the crowd, just at the back of the tent. But they sounded great and we all enjoyed hearing them immensely. Enjoy the pictures and there will be more to come tomorrow. I will be posting a lot of the outtake images that aren't quite so wonderful on my Facebook Page, so keep your eyes peeled there for more.


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Austin SXSW - Part I - The Drive Down

Five friends and I took a road trip down south to Austin, Texas to experience SXSW firsthand. This is the first in a series of blog posts that will highlight my favorite photographs and events from our journey to the lone star state. 

Our trip began on Tuesday, March 16th 2010. We left blustery Chicago at approximately 10:30 P.M. After starting off in the wrong direction we finally found our way onto I-55 S. I took the first position in the driver seat. I kept driving until 4 A.M. We had some crazy conversations in the car in the middle of the night. Have you ever played "How Much Does Someone Have to Pay You to Do...?" Crazy weirdness ensued. I highly recommend it. 

Despite my terrifying nightmares of the car sliding off the road and us crashing to our deaths, I managed to get a few hours of fitful sleep. Then the sun was up and we were in Arkansas. We stopped at an IHOP and had a well deserved breakfast. Our waiter had the most peculiar southern hospitality vibe and seemed like all he wanted out of life was to make our lives easier. He even offered to split the bill six ways for us! In Chicago, you'd really have to pull some strings to make something like that fly. (Take note restaurants of Chicago, Arkansas has you beat!)

You can check out some iPhone pictures from that IHOP in my SXSW iPhone Gallery on Facebook. It should be public for all to view.

What follows are the images I snapped on our daylight ride through Arkansas and Texas on our way to Austin. If you become a Fan of my Facebook Page, you will see more unedited pictures from the trip down. These are my favorites.


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Bengston's Pumpkin Farm

Back in October, shortly before Halloween some friends and I took a trip out to visit

Bengston's Pumpkin Farm

in Homer Glen, IL. I've been going there nearly every year since I was a child and I had just as much fun this time. The singing barn is hilariously awesome and the pig races were just as thrilling as I remembered! All in all, a great day that was made even better by the beautiful fall weather. Enjoy the pictures.



to purchase prints and see the whole gallery.

Click below to see more.

Halloween Costume Shop Party

Finally, a new set of images is online! I hope you don't have a heart attack. As always, if you use my images, please link back to my site and give me credit where the image is visible. Thanks guys!

Click through to see all the images in a neat little slideshow or click here to purchase prints (help support me & all the time it takes me to make these photographs).

Why So Serious?

Why So Serious?

I know it took me forever to get these images online my friends, but I hope you were able to keep your heads and maybe one day, forgive me.

This was a wonderful night, as is usual when it's spent primarily on Josh's rooftop.

Please leave comments (on here and on flickr) and be sure to favorite any images you love.

All images are copywritten and exclusive property of Dane J. Deasy. If you want to use an image online, please do, but be sure not to edit it in anyway. That means no cropping. These images are available under a Creative Commons license. So if you use them, please provide proper credit and a link to my website (this one here). I will sell prints (without my watermark) in any size you'd like. Or, you can purchase the full high-resolution (again, without my watermark) image for only $10. Then you can make as many prints as you'd like or use it online without the watermark.

Follow this link to read more about the Creative Commons license that applies to all photograph featured on this page.

Creative Commons License
This work by Dane J. Deasy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Travels and Muxtape

It's gonna be a blue one! It's gonna be a blue one!

The weekend has been very exciting for me. Last night Alison (twitter: cohners) and I drove down to Woodhaven Lakes to spend the night in the dark, dark wilderness with Jan and Nick (twitter: nxn21). We had a great time screaming at insects and discussing the possibilities of alien life. Oh, and I stayed up way too late.

What's that growing out of your head buddy? What's that growing out of your head buddy?

This morning, we drove down to Canton, Illinois to visit Jay. I hadn't seen him in nearly four years, so it was quite an emotional experience.

Nick needed air; luckily this air was free. Nick needed air; luckily this air was free.

On our drive back, Alison was snapping away with her SX-70. She tried to get some pictures of a sunflower field, so we'll have to see how they turned out when she uploads them on her flickr.

Mmmm... SX-70. Mmmm... SX-70.

If you haven't noticed yet, I've updated my Muxtape. You can find the link on the sidebar of the main page as well. Be sure to check back on it often because I'll always be updating it with new and totally kick-ass songs. If you don't have a Muxtape account yet, be sure to sign up for one and put up some tracks you're currently enjoying. If you post the link to your Muxtape as a comment on here, I'll be sure to listen myself and let you know what I think.

Tonight, I'll be heading out to a Suicide Girls event. Maybe I'll see you there! Have a goodnight friends.