The weekend has been very exciting for me. Last night Alison (twitter: cohners) and I drove down to Woodhaven Lakes to spend the night in the dark, dark wilderness with Jan and Nick (twitter: nxn21). We had a great time screaming at insects and discussing the possibilities of alien life. Oh, and I stayed up way too late.

This morning, we drove down to Canton, Illinois to visit Jay. I hadn't seen him in nearly four years, so it was quite an emotional experience.

On our drive back, Alison was snapping away with her SX-70. She tried to get some pictures of a sunflower field, so we'll have to see how they turned out when she uploads them on her flickr.

If you haven't noticed yet, I've updated my Muxtape. You can find the link on the sidebar of the main page as well. Be sure to check back on it often because I'll always be updating it with new and totally kick-ass songs. If you don't have a Muxtape account yet, be sure to sign up for one and put up some tracks you're currently enjoying. If you post the link to your Muxtape as a comment on here, I'll be sure to listen myself and let you know what I think.
Tonight, I'll be heading out to a Suicide Girls event. Maybe I'll see you there! Have a goodnight friends.